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Ask Coach | Life Coaching | Coach Michael

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Life Coaching: Am I Coachable?

I have encountered a lot of clients who’re asking me the same question. Each of us experiences rough times that can affect our overall performance. We  are  bombarded  by  more  stimulation  than ever before in the history of the world. A lot of things can make your head spin, be it your personal problems, your failures, your relationship, and others.
We are dealing with unique situations every day and it’s a good reason to talk to a professional life coaching in Bangkok. The world in which we live is constantly changing, daily, hourly, and moment to moment. These changes can greatly affect our decision making, performance, and growth. You are coachable, if you are only willing to be coached.

Characteristics of a Coachable Client

  • Desire, Willingness, Belief, and Commitment
  • Desire to have things different than they are presently.
  • Having the motivation to experiment with something totally new.
A Coach is an individual that works with clients to support change, transformation, growth in many areas of their lives. You have a dependable executive life coaching expert in Bangkok to help you.
Learn more about Coach Michael! Click “Ask Coach” to download free PDF! Coach Michael is on Page 11!